Echoes of the Architects Demo - Update 0.84

  • Added "Not/Moving Away From Me" target filters
  • Added 1 priority slot to all the brain modules except the Huge Memory one
  • Added a repair range multiplier on the unit classes
  • Added a shield range multiplier on the unit classes
  • Increased the build cost multiplier of the Swarm and Titan unit classes
  • Increased the build duration multiplier of the advanced unit classes
  • Reduced the collection speed multiplier for the Giant and Titan unit classes
  • Reduced the range multiplier for the Pair and Swarm unit classes
  • Added an initial cooldown of 60 seconds to the Hit Hard and Stealth tactics
  • Increased the cooldown of the Stealth tactic (60 -> 120 seconds)
  • Increased the enemy damage reduction of the Hack tactic (-50% -> -60%)
  • Increased the initial cooldown of the Fury and Hack tactics (30 -> 60 seconds)
  • Doubled the armor of all the base platforms except the Light one
  • Increased the build cost of the Spitter and Factory construction modules (300 -> 400)
  • Increase the build cost of the Dropship and Light Tank unit platform modules (250 -> 300)
  • Reduced the armor of the advanced unit platform modules (Dropship: 120 -> 100, Hovercraft: 150 -> 100, Light Tank: 330 -> 300, Heavy Tank: 420 -> 400)
  • Reduced the build cost of the Rhover unit platform module (200 -> 150)
  • Increased the cost of the (self-)Shield module (150 -> 200)
  • Increased the range of the Protector (1 -> 1.5m) and Dome (2.5 -> 3.5m) shield modules
  • Reduced the cost of the Miner collection module (200 -> 250)
  • Reduced the cost of the Payload collection module (200 -> 150)
  • Integrated new map ambiences (all maps now have a specific one)
  • Integrated new hit sound effects
  • Fixed the unit list position when opening the unit editor
  • Fixed units unable to attack/repair slower targets fleeing from them


0.84 184 MB
10 days ago

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